Monday, January 6, 2020

Literature Review On Start Stop System - 2172 Words

Literature review on start-stop system Zheng Tang z3430636 Ke Qiu z3446155 Shihao Liu z3439121 MECH9761- AUTOMOBILE ENGINE TECHNOLOGY The University of New South Wales Abstract As the increasing oil price due to the limited petroleum resource on earth, more and more automobile manufacturers focus on fuel-saving rather than engine performance. The approaches applied by most of manufacturers include adding turbo to downsize the engine, weight reduction and improving aerodynamics. Since early 1970s, Toyota first developed and tested the technology called Start-stop which would switch off the engine after sitting stationary for 1.5 seconds. After years of development, engine start-stop technology has been applied by almost all the†¦show more content†¦Traffic noise is the most extensive cause of environmental health problems in the world. Especially in urban environment, the number of people exposed to road noise is at least 5 times greater than all other sources (railways, airports, and industry) [4]. With the increasing number of vehicles equipped with S/S system. It is essential to evaluate the influence on noise emission exerted by S/S system It is also worth mentioning that the combined use of S/S system with some other complimentary designs such as lightweight body could result in tribology issue inside the combustion chamber [5]. Automatic start and stop system wears down the engine, it is possible to cause great extent carbon deposit because of frequent start-stop. Lubricating effect is reduced considering the reflux left after parking; the engine will leave suitable temperature zone, resulting in poor engine operation; in addition, the boot process since the acceleration is large, have a strong impact on automotive components. 2. Literature Review 2.1 Technological development on 12V battery for advanced start-stop vehicles As the core part of start-stop system, battery is required to provide high power, endure shallow cycling and exhibit long cycle life. Lead acid batteries are widely used today considering its low initial cost. However frequent high discharge canShow MoreRelatedImproving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the School Bus Routing Problem1097 Words   |  5 Pages1.0 INTRODUCTION The Oxford dictionary (2014) defines a route as a path for getting to a certain destination from a start off point. The world is a global market and the journey of continuous expansion is on the rise. The demand for goods and services span from within immediate environments but also transcend cities, borders and continents. 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