Thursday, November 28, 2019

How to Write a Review Article

How to Write a Review Article A review article is a summary that evaluates another writer’s article. In order to write a review article, it is crucial that you understand main points and argument. Writing an article review is not difficult as many people think. In this article, we are going to give you tips that will help you write an outstanding review article. 1. Know what is a review article The first thing that you need to do if you want to write an outstanding review article knows what exactly is an article review and the audience that the article is meant for. An article review is generally an article that summarizes main ideas, position, findings arguments of an already existing article. After writing the review, the writer can express his/her opinion by praising or criticizing the overall effectiveness of the article but it must be based on the author’s research. This type of article usually targets audience who are well educated and knowledgeable and hence should be written well. 2. Understand the article You can only a review of an article that you are well conversant with. The mistake that most writers do before reviewing the work of another researcher is relying on other people’s information as opposed to reading the article by themselves. You need to ensure that you understand the article that you intend to review by reading it in details. You need to read the article entirely to know the overall argument and point that the article is making. Don’t just read the article once, you need to read it twice or thrice to ensure that you know all details and facts at hand. This way, you will not only write a good article review but your review will also be based on facts. The only way to write a good review is to understand what the article is all about. 3. The review in your own words Another mistake that most writers do when writing an article review is lifting every word from the original article. The essence of reading and understanding the article before writing it to be able to write a review on your own word. You need to use your own style but you need to ensure that you remain objective by focusing on main points, arguments, and claims that the article makes. All the points that you make need to be factual based on the article that is reviewing. An article review is usually short, precise and straight to the paint. You, therefore, need to ensure that you only to include the important aspect of the article. 4. Outline your evaluation When writing an article review, you need to determine whether the facts presented by the author are correct or not. That is why it is very important to understand the article in details. You also need to point out if there is the new contribution to the field as well as areas of the article that needs improvement. 5. Write your critique and a compelling conclusion At the end of the review, you need to write an independent opinion on how the author has addressed the topic. Express your thoughts as to whether the article is relevant to the subject, clear and objective. Evaluate the article contribution to the field and whether it was able to address the problem at hand. You also need to point out if there are any biases and decide whether the author addressed the issue well or not. You also need to say if the article will benefit the target audience or not. After that, you need to write a compelling conclusion that summaries the main points of the article. You also need to comment on things that need further research.

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